Podcast Description
In this episode we interview John Polo. He is a fellow widower, losing his wife, Michelle to cancer in January of 2016.
From these experiences, John has found purpose, as a coach, best-selling author, podcaster and keynote speaker.
His 4 books on grief and loss are well worth the read, including:
- Widowed. Rants, Raves & Randoms
- Widowed 2. Now I Live
- How to Date a Widow 101
- The Stupid Sh*t People Say to Grievers
John has also worked with clients on nearly 5,000 coaching sessions.
In this episode we discuss several topics: from grief to dating, self-growth and everything in between, John offers experience and advice that helps healing and growth, and this interview taps that experience and insight.
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The information in this podcast is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical, mental health or spiritual advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, mental health counselor, spiritual advisor or other qualified health-care , mental health or spiritual provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, mental or spiritual challenges or treatment. Before making any changes to your health-care, diet, exercise or other aspects of your life, please seek professional advice, and never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard on this podcast or through other Growth through Grief resources.
About The Host

Thomas Pisello
Growth Evangelist / Growth through Grief Founder
Tom Pisello is a widower and the father of two daughters. Tom lost his wife Judy in 2017 after her ten year battle with cancer.
Tom founded the Growth through Grief site, resources and ministry to help share his personal experiences to grow through the grieving process, and to share with others to help in his own and other’s healing process. Through this process, Tom gained his sobriety, lost 60 pounds, gained a growth mindset and rekindled lost faith, now sharing these hard-earned lessons and the lessons of other widowers and experts with you.
Prior to creating Growth through Grief, Tom was a successful serial-entrepreneur, analyst, speaker, and author of the business books Evolved Selling and The Frugalnomics Survival Guide. He was well known as “The ROI Guy”, founder of Alinean and Interpose, a Managing VP of analyst firm Gartner, Chief Evangelist for Mediafly and founder of the Evolved Selling Institute and host to the popular sales and marketing podcast – Evolved Selling
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